Tuesday, September 1, 2015


What is Netiquette?
Netiquette is a set of rules for how to behave online.

How does Netiquette work?
How is Netiquette related to E-mail?
Does Netiquette work for watsapp? How?
How can we practice Netiquette?
Are Netiquette and real life etiquette similar?
What is your point of view?
What is our responsibility?

Netiquette Rules when sending E-mails

An important rule to remember is not to share your email address with someone you don’t know in real life.
Try to keep your password secret.

Always make sure your spelling is correct, re read what you have written before you click send.

Try not to use all caps, it is like yelling or shouting.

Try not to make jokes or using inappropriate words.


Read the following tips about Netiquette for kids and create a publication about the advice you are working.

Are Netiquette and real life etiquette similar?
In many ways, digital etiquette and the etiquette of the real world are the same. Both emphasize good manners and treating others with courtesy and respect.



Monday, August 10, 2015

UoI: Exploration

August 10th.

The Consequences of Exploration

Columbian Exchange

What is an exchange?
How does an exchange work?
How these elements are connected?
Why does this exchange occur?
How the Columbian exchange is connected to my country?
What is my opinion about the Columbian Exchange?
How would be our culture without this exchange?

Think about the Columbian Exchange in terms of:
Plants, Food, Animals and Diseases

Christopher Columbus: What Really Happened

The Columbian Exchange

To know about more Columbian Exchange items go to the drive Elementary1 and find the folder 'Columbian Exchange'.

Group Activity

Make the groups according to the items chosen.
Talk to your partners and fill the 'Groupal Information Form'.

Choose the item you want to work.
Fill in your index card according to the model, and inquire about it.

Useful Links

Personal Activity

After you have collected the information about the item chosen, design a personal Publisher bulletin. Use pictures, arts, text, and more objects about your item to create an attractive publication to make our 'Columbian Exchange Classbook'.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Electronic Waste

June 15th - 19th.

Look at this picture carefully:

Look at this picture and think about all you see.

Think about children health.
Think about people's health.

Think about how dangerous it is.
Think about the connection with air pollution.

Think about the relation with water pollution.

Talk to your friends about these questions:

1. What is E-waste?

2. Why E-waste is growing up every year?

3. Where does E-waste go? Why?

4. How is E-waste connected to other types of pollution?

5. What would be the solutions to stop E-waste from growing up?

6. What is your responsibility? How can you help?

7. Explain the "life cycle" of an electronic.

8. What is your point of view? Give your opinion =)


Electronic Waste For Kids

Elecronic Waste Video (youchange TM)

What do Kids Think About E-waste?

Trash E: An Animation on E-Waste

The Story of Electronics

An Interview to a Ghana Child

Buy it, use it, break it, junk it, it's toxic.  (Greenpeace International)

Electronic Waste in Ghana (Greenpeace International)

Electronics Take Back Coaliton (How kids can help solve the ewaste problem)

Personal Activity
  1. Create a publisher informational design, could be a sign or a brochure with the topic about e-waste you are working on.
  2. Questions: Your personal question, question 7 and 8 must be considered for all students.
  3. The design must have al least 4 different pictures of different sizes related to the topic. Apply frames.
  4. Use at least 4 diferent text boxes.
  5. Try different colors and styles for the information, your design will be printed, make it visually attractive.
  6. Save your design in the folder assigned.
  7. Type your name and class at the right bottom.

Friday, May 29, 2015

UoI: Here, there, water everywhere

June 1st. - 5th

Distribution and Availability of Usable Water

The World's Water

"Water, Water, Everywhere...." You've heard the phrase, and for water, it really is true. Earth's water is (almost) everywhere: above the Earth in the air and clouds, on the Earth as rivers, oceans, ice, plants, and inside the Earth in the top few miles of the ground.

Taken from: earth.rice.edu/

The globe image below, is meant to show how much actual water exists, as compared to the total size of the Earth. The spheres look small because it is compared to the size of the whole globe. What it show is that Earth's water resides in a very thin slice all around the Earth's surface.
(Taken from http://water.usgs.gov/edu/earthwherewater.html)

All Earth's water, liquid fresh water, and water in lakes and rivers

Spheres showing:

  • (1) All water (sphere over western U.S., 860 miles = 1,384km. in diameter)
  • (2) Fresh liquid water in the ground, lakes, swamps, and rivers (sphere over Kentucky, 169.5 miles = 273km. in diameter), and 
  • (3) Fresh-water lakes and rivers (sphere over Georgia, 34.9 miles = 56km in diameter).
Credit: Howard Perlman, USGS; globe illustration by Jack Cook, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (©); Adam Nieman.

Informational Videos:

Distribution of Earth Water (Karen Slaton /Standard YouTube License)

Distribution of Water n Earth (Sience Earth / Standard YouTube License)

Group 1: Groundwater

What is Groundwater? (Quest Science / YouTube)

It's Called Groundwater (By ProvinceofBC / YouTube)

Group 2: Ice Caps, Glaciers, Lakes and Rivers

What are Glaciers? (MocomiKids / YouTube)

How a glacier forms? (Daft Colt / YouTube)

How Glaciers Move (study.com)

Glacier Movement (study.com)

What is a lake? (education.nationalgeographic.com)

Group 3: Availability of Usable Water Around the World

Fresh Water Scarcity (Ted-Ed / YouTube)

Where We Get Our Fresh Water (Ted-Ed / YouTube)

World Water Day: Animated Short

The World Water Crisis (Ilustrated Ideas's Channel / YouTube)

Water Facts and Statistics (The Infographics Show / YouTube)

The Global Water Crisis (Take Part (YouTube)

Millions Lack Safe Water

Lack of Water Around the World (Wikipedia)

Goup 4: Availability of Usable Water in Peru


  1. Talk to your group members and choose a leader and a secretary.
  2. Read together the group questionary and write your name next to the question picked. 
  3. Every group member must answer at least 1 question on the list.
  4. Fill in your index card according to the model.
  5. When finish, check the information with an ICT teacher.
  6. If your answers are ok you can help any other student on your group.
Index card: UoI Water

When all the group is ready, start working your class wall, respect the room in the wall for your group information. Attach to your post a picture, a link or a video related to your answer.

WATER 3A            WATER 3B           WATER 3C          WATER 3D

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Second Term - May 18th. - 22nd.

Let's fill in the KWL table!

Group Work:

Group 1: What is Copyright? - Examples of creative works.
Group 2: How does the Copyright work?
Group 3: Why Copyright was created/established?
Group 4: How is Copyright connected to authors and artists?
How is Copyright connected to users?
Group 5: What is our responsibility as a website information users?

*Read the texts below about the topic.

Follow the links and watch the videos about Copyright and Plagiarism

Once finished the group work, follow the link to complete the class COPYRIGHT wall:

THIRD A                THIRD B                   THIRD C                   THIRD D

Extra work; you can complement the information on the wall with the following questions, every group member must choose a different question and post it on the wall:
  • What does the little letter R mean?
  • What is the meaning of TM?
  • What is the public domain?
  • What is "fair use"?
  • What is "Internet piracy"?
  • How do you cite a resource from Internet? 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Body Systems - Growing Well

April 13th - 17th.

What a system is?

A System is a group of parts that work together to perform a task.

 The human body has several body systems each of them develop a specific function inside our bodies.

Follow the links below to find out the information required according to your group system (organ/part, function and care), save the pictures in your "system folder" and record the rest of the information on your index card.

Organize your information on your index card as it is showed.
Information links and videos:

Circulatory System

Respiratory System

Digestive System

Locomotion System Bones and Muscles

Skeletal System

Muscular System

Activity Locomotion System


Make Me Genius

Once your information is checked and done go to the related wall and complete the system you have been working with your group. Follow the link to your wall:





Monday, March 30, 2015

Online Safety

April 6th. - 10th.

Watch the following videos and organize your ideas about "Online Safety"

Discuss the ideas around two subjects:



  • Every group makes a graphic organizer about one of the topics.
  • Create a presentation following the instructions.

Monday, March 16, 2015

My Healthy Plate - Growing Well

March 16th. - 20th. / 23rd. - 27th.

My Healthy Plate

Our healthy plate is a balanced combination of differet meals. It must include fruits, vegetables, protein, grain and dairy, each of these meals are important for our nutrition, and to stay healthy.

Choose a card from the bag and find your work group. Team with your classmates and research about the item you have chosen, read the information following the links below and collect the pictures according to the meal you are working. Save the pictures into the right folder. Use www.wordreference.com in case you need to know some meanings.

            FRUIT                                                      VEGETABLES

                   GRAINS                                                                                           PROTEIN

Every group must find at least 20 different meals, save the pictures into the folder that has been created for your group. (ELEMENTARY1$/THIRD ICT 2015/3B/GROWING WELL/) 

After collecting all the pictures, make new work groups to fill your wall with all the heatthy food. According to your group number follow the links, every member must fill every group of food, 

3B GROUP 1           3B GROUP 2          3B GROUP 3         3B GROUP 4          3B GROUP 5

3A GROUP 1           3A GROUP 2          3A GROUP 3         3A GROUP 4          3A GROUP 5

3C GROUP 1           3C GROUP 2         3C GROUP 3         3C GROUP 4          3C GROUP 5

3D GROUP 1           3D GROUP 2         3D GROUP 3         3D GROUP 4          3D GROUP 5

Try these links for more information:

Food Groups - Video