Monday, March 30, 2015

Online Safety

April 6th. - 10th.

Watch the following videos and organize your ideas about "Online Safety"

Discuss the ideas around two subjects:



  • Every group makes a graphic organizer about one of the topics.
  • Create a presentation following the instructions.

Monday, March 16, 2015

My Healthy Plate - Growing Well

March 16th. - 20th. / 23rd. - 27th.

My Healthy Plate

Our healthy plate is a balanced combination of differet meals. It must include fruits, vegetables, protein, grain and dairy, each of these meals are important for our nutrition, and to stay healthy.

Choose a card from the bag and find your work group. Team with your classmates and research about the item you have chosen, read the information following the links below and collect the pictures according to the meal you are working. Save the pictures into the right folder. Use in case you need to know some meanings.

            FRUIT                                                      VEGETABLES

                   GRAINS                                                                                           PROTEIN

Every group must find at least 20 different meals, save the pictures into the folder that has been created for your group. (ELEMENTARY1$/THIRD ICT 2015/3B/GROWING WELL/) 

After collecting all the pictures, make new work groups to fill your wall with all the heatthy food. According to your group number follow the links, every member must fill every group of food, 

3B GROUP 1           3B GROUP 2          3B GROUP 3         3B GROUP 4          3B GROUP 5

3A GROUP 1           3A GROUP 2          3A GROUP 3         3A GROUP 4          3A GROUP 5

3C GROUP 1           3C GROUP 2         3C GROUP 3         3C GROUP 4          3C GROUP 5

3D GROUP 1           3D GROUP 2         3D GROUP 3         3D GROUP 4          3D GROUP 5

Try these links for more information:

Food Groups - Video 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Digital Citizenship

March 9th. - 13th.



As third grade ICT users we will be:


1.  I will only use the learning sites recommended by my teachers and those my parents allow me to use.
2.  I will treat all technology equipment with care.
3.  I will keep my password private and I will respect other people’s passwords. I understand that I can share my password with my teacher or parents only.
4.  I will not share personal information about myself or anyone else. This includes names, addresses, phone numbers, photos, etc.


  1. I will ask for help politely when I have a problem using technology and I will use kind language with all community members when using technology for communication or learning activities. I will not use technology to worry or threatened anybody.
  2. I will not use other people’s usernames and passwords.
  3. I will only use my files and folders, never modify or change any of my friends works.
  4. I will follow the instructions and rules given by my teachers to do the class activities only.
  5. I will respect copyright procedures by citing the source of content I use in my projects (texts, photos, etc.). I will avoid plagiarism.
  1. I will tell my teachers or parents if I feel uncomfortable with anything I find on a computer.
  2. I will not share any of my personal information in social networks. This includes videos or photos, etc.
  3. I will share with my fellow students the information appropriate for my age only.
I understand that if I don’t follow any part of this agreement my technology facilities will be restricted.


After the reading and according to the attitude you have picked, choose an item and fill the the class wall for "Digital Citizenship".

For class 3B go:

For class 3C go:

For class 3D go:

Write what you have learned on your paper and post it on your class Digital Citizen poster.

Ask for your own Digital Citizen Hand Print

Extra Activity

Once you have finished the previus activities, go to, grade 3, and find the app "Cloud of Words" try your own cloud using different words related to DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP, use the words you consider the most relevant for the topic.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Windows 8 - 3B Class

Exporing Windows 8 / Third Graders

Thinkers and Open Minded Groups
3B Team Work

3b Inquirer Team